The Stanly County Chorale is Stanly County’s longest-running performing arts organization. It was formed in September of 1968 under the direction of William “Bill” McGibney, and accompanied by Mary Hearne. The first concert was Handel’s Messiah, presented on December 8, 1968 in the Albemarle High School gym, with 49 singers representing 20 churches. Since then, the Chorale’s goal has been to present at least two concert programs each year; during the Fall/Christmas season, and in the Spring.  Concert seasons run September to early December, and January to April, with additional community performances such as the annual Celebration of the Arts in March and Make Music Day in June events, as well as others as scheduling permits. The Chorale is supported by the generous contributions of individuals and businesses in the community, with additional funding from the Grassroots Arts Program of the Stanly County Arts Council and the North Carolina Arts Council. Anyone high school aged and older who enjoys singing is invited to join us!

 Board Members and Officers

Becky Wall, President
Paul Hinkle, Vice president
Mary Ann Gantt, Secretary
Bruce Myers, Treasurer
Leslie Phillips
Melanie Mattox